
Here you will find R packages, books and educational projects that I have created or contributed to.

Written by Ronny A. Hernández Mora


The goal of gitear is to request your self-hosted Git service data and import it to R in a tidy data frame.

By Ronny A. Hernández Mora


ixplorer facilitates the DataOps workflow. It allows the user to review, open, and close issues for specific repositories inside RStudio.

By Ronny A. Hernández Mora


Get the information from your Less Annoying Customer Relationship Management API in a tidy data way. Useful for getting metrics, visualize your goals, create reports and automate your workflow.

By Ronny A. Hernández Mora


rTLS is an R package that compiles a series of tools to process and calculate metrics on point clouds derived from Terrestrial Laser Scanners (TLS), also know as Terrestrial-Light Detection and Ranging (T-LiDAR).

By Ronny A. Hernández Mora